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Miroslav Radman

Prof. Dr. sc. Miroslav Radman is a Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Medicine Necker of the University René Descartes in Paris. He is the co-founder of the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split, Croatia, and inter alia
was the former adviser for science for the Prime Minister of Croatia; a member of the French Academy of Science,
the Croatian Academy of Science and Art, the Academy of Europe, the World Academy of Art and Science,
and the European Organisation for Molecular Biology (EMBO).

Winner of more than a dozen major international and national scientific awards, including four major awards granted
by the French and American Academies of Science and the Grand Prix INSERM – the French award for medical research. He was the key speaker or plenary speaker on 51 international conferences, invited lecturer on more than 300 international scientific conferences. He has taught over 500 lectures and seminars around the world.

He has published over 200 scientific papers in the field of DNA repair, DNA replication, mutagenesis, genetic recombination, evolution, microbiology and cancer research, which have been cited around 10 000 times.
Three of his discoveries (SOS system, mismatch repair and molecular basis of genetic barriers between related species) are present in essential textbooks on genetics and biology around the world.